health & wellness coaching
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Changing your life one habit at a time.
10%-15% nutrition coaching & personal training
now through 12/31/2019
My name is beth.
I am passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. On my site, you will discover workouts, tips, recipes, and hopefully some inspiration! I offer nutrition coaching and personal training so please check out the services tab for more information and let's work together.
FOOD! Looking for new recipes? Check out all kinds of recipes ranging from meat or fish-based to vegan and vegetarian.
WORKOUTS! Want to move your body? Check out my workout videos, tips, and more!
WORKOUTS! Want to move your body? Check out my workout videos, tips, and more!
Check out Plan to Eat (PTE) for meal planning! I've been using PTE for over 5 years. It's a great tool for organizing and planning meals.
Workout of the Week:
💎 Bodyweight Core Circuit 💎
Bodyweight Core Circuit
Equipment free circuit! Add this to your 🧰. Try performing each move for 20 seconds and 2-3 rounds. Rest as needed in between rounds. As always, you can choose one move or a few, make it work for you.
1️⃣ Russian Twist: With your body in a V position and your legs bent, twist from side-to-side using your core. If your hands don’t touch the ground each time, that’s ok, you can make that a goal. Make sure to breathe. You can always add a weight or kettlebell to this move to make it more challenging.
2️⃣ Elbow Plank Hip Dip: Engaging your core with your feet together and your elbows underneath your shoulders, move your body to one side, pause and then the other. You should feel this in the transverse abs and obliques.
3️⃣ V Up Scissor Kick: You can perform this move with the support of your hands out behind you or not, depending on your fitness level. In a V-sit position, extend your legs out in front tof you and cross them back and forth in a scissor motion. Again, keep that core engaged and breathe.
4️⃣ Plank Step Up: Start in high plank. Bend one arm to bring the elbow and forearm to the floor. Bring the other arm down so you are in a forearm plank. Push back up to the start position, placing each hand where your elbows were. Repeat this movement, alternating which side you lower first with each rep.
5️⃣ Heel Taps: Raise your shoulders and head off the ground and tuck your chin. Then touch your heels, side-to-side. Make sure to breathe and engage your abs.
6️⃣ Bird🐦 Dog🐶: With your knees and hands on the ground and your back in a neutral position, extend the right arm out and the left leg back, pause a few seconds, and then return to starting position. Make sure to engage your core as this will test your balance and stability. Repeat on the other side.
7️⃣ Cross Crunch: On your back with your chin tucked and shoulders and head off of the ground, reach your left arm towards your right knee and then repeat with right arm towards your left knee. Repeat. Keep your abs engaged the whole time and of course, breathe.
8️⃣ Thread the Needle: In a side plank position with your elbow underneath your shoulder and feet toe-to-heel, push your hips up and reach your top arm towards the sky. With top arm, reach down and rotate your torso toward the ground and reach behind you, and then return to starting position. Try to keep your hips from sagging down.
Foundation Friday Move:
Foundation Friday: Squat Progression
Squat Progression
Squat (basic): Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, neck straight, and abs tight. Hold your arms out in front of you — straight with palms down or with an arm cross. Bend your knees and slowly lower yourself down until the tops of your thighs are parallel to the ground (or as low as is comfortable for your fitness level). Push your bottom backward, as if you were sitting on a chair. Return to standing and repeat. If you need additional support, use a weight bench or chair. Try a few sets of 10 reps.
Squat w/ Weighted Bar: Similar to the squat form and technique above, point your toes slightly outward, place the bar behind your head, resting it across the top of your shoulders and holding it in place with your hands. Tighten your core, and look straight ahead and perform a squat. Push your heels into the floor as you stand back up to the starting position. Repeat for 8-10 reps and a set or two. To progress this move, you can perform it as a curtsy squat.
Sumo Squat with Weight: With a weight, stand with your feet wide, toes pointed out. Bend your knees, lowering your hips so your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure to keep your weight back in your heels. Return to standing position and squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of this exercise. Try a set or two of 10-12 reps. You can also remove the weight for a simpler version.
Curtsy Squat/Lunge: From a standing position, step your left leg behind you and to the right so your thighs cross, bending both knees as if you are curtsying. Then drive up through your standing leg, return to standing position and repeat. You can do one leg at a time and then the other leg or alternate the legs. 8-10 reps for a few sets. To advance this, add in a weight or kettlebell.